Laboratory Rotation Agreement - Student

Student Name*
Rotation Preceptor Name*
Rotation Start Date
Rotation End Date*

By initiating this rotation agreement, you are indicating your continued agreement to meet the standards and expectations laid out in the Compact for PhD Students and Preceptors. A [sample version] of this compact is available for viewing, and a copy of your original, signed compact can be obtained from the PhD Program Manager upon request. Your rotation preceptors will also be advised that they are expected to uphold the expectations described for preceptors in the compact.

Laboratory Rotation Agreement - Rotation Preceptor

Who will directly supervise the student?
maximum: 20 hours/week while taking core courses
Select all that apply*
Has the student met with his/her first year advisor?*

Rotation preceptors are expected to uphold the standards articulated in the “Preceptor Expectations” section of the [Compact for PhD Students and Preceptors], and to support students in their fulfillment of all aspects of the compact. By signing below, you are indicating your agreement to fulfilling this role, as explained in the compact.

At the end of the rotation, the rotation preceptor(s) and student will meet to complete the Laboratory Rotation Evaluation form.

If, at the end of the rotation period, you and the student wish to have the student join your lab, will you have sufficient space and financial support to host the student?*
Choose one:
(If your approver is not listed, email to have them added.)

Research rotations are intended to aid students and PIs in identifying permanent lab placements with faculty mentors who will serve as dissertation advisor. To serve as a student’s mentor, you must have a laboratory/research enterprise sufficiently robust to support the student throughout the student’s time in the PhD program. This requires demonstration of sufficient space and funding (typically extramural funding from major grants) to cover costs associated with mentoring a PhD student. By signing below, you indicate that you have a research portfolio and funding sufficient to support this student, that you will assume responsibility for such support if you and the student decide that you will be the student’s research mentor and the student will join your laboratory, and that you have discussed space, funding, and other expectations with the student.

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Student Approval

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Graduate School Office Approval

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above